Is your charity missing out on desperately needed funds?
London Beach Charity Scheme in association with the Savannah Charitable Trust provides a very successful fundraising vehicle for supporters of charities and local clubs and the scheme has donated generously to worthy causes since it started in 2009, supporting charitable initiatives in Africa as well as the UK.
Since 2009 the London Beach Scheme has donated over £2,000,000 to charities and local clubs. Charity fundraising has never been easier.
On the London Beach Scheme, all you have to do is book a function at London Beach Hotel in Tenterden. It could be a lunch or dinner, a golf day, a dinner & dance or another approved function. Give details of the charity or club you are fundraising for.
The total cost of the food (excluding drinks) at your function will then be donated back to your chosen worthy cause.
Charity Society Golf Days are a particularly good way for golfers to fundraise. It requires a minimum of 20 and maximum of 24 people at £35 per head.